Besides being my late brother Brian's birthday, August 25th marks the 1 year anniversary of the release of "I May Be a Stoner (But, I Ain't Fucking Stupid!)" on iTunes and various other .mp3 sites. To my surprise, it has done really well. What started out to be a test marketer to see if I should continue in my musical endeavors after kicking AIDS' ass, has turned into a beast of its own.
I truly did not expect to get much by way of recognition with this tune. In fact I really thought it'd be shit-canned by most of the Internet stations due to the title and content and would have to rely solely on word-of-mouth. Boy was I ever wrong. This track totally beat out 1998's "I Don't Need This in My Life" in spades.
The cheesy, trippy flash video I made for it to have a YouTube presence has gone totally viral and demographics show it is really popular in Japan and (my personal favorite) Australia.
As far as record sales, at a residual .01 cents per copy sold, if you want to go by dollar amounts it is not that impressive on the whole, but if you were to go by individual sales, I couldn't be more pleased. Hopefully the next record will generate some sincere interest from those closer to me since the success of this record has relied totally on the interest of strangers.
To those who have purchased the record I say Thank-you from the bottom of my icy little heart. To those who haven't, give it a listen. While the video production was cheese, the recording itself is not.
Brian: I miss you. Happy Birthday Bro.
Thanks for reading and cheers!
AJ Evans
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