Saturday, May 1, 2010

So Much to Do and So Little Time.

Hello again. Hope you got out and enjoyed this beautiful East Coast Saturday. I stayed in doing what I love, working.

As stated in the previous blog, I am working on a scene from Mattson Tomlin's 'Early Retirement'. A clip of which can be seen on Mattson's YouTube channel.

While I did not get to add the muzzle flashes and debris, I was entrusted with the far more meatier task of creating elements and implementing them into scenes that have already been shot.

In the opening of this clip I added blood spewing out of a throat being slit and created a banner and added one of the many blood splatters that will adorn the room.

Here are the before and after shots.
NOTE: This is still a work in progress and the fine tuning has not been done just yet.



So, the next few days will be spent extracting the actor from all the shots for this scene and making sure that my motion tracking is dead spot on to anchor my incorporated elements to.

Mat; if you read this...thanks. As tedious a task as it may seem, I am loving every minute of it.

Holler out to SpidVid for bringing us together to collaborate on this.

Meanwhile: I just finished the lyrics for 'Sick God' which is meeting with the usual mixed reaction as I try and get approval from the remaining band members. I really consider this to be a Group of Deviants song, but have no problem claiming it for my own if people feel like they don't want to be on it. The music production will commence again after I complete the task at hand for Mattson.

Everyone enjoy your Sunday and look for more news soon.

Cheers all!

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